
20 2023

Book Reading - Diana Saltoon, My Sister Meda, A Memoir of Old Singapore

12:00PM - 2:00PM  

Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Maui 270 Dairy Road
Kahului, HI 96732

SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2023, 12:00 PM TO 2:00PM
Diana Saltoon presents
My Sister Meda, A Memoir of Old Singapore

My Sister Meda, A Memoir of Old Singapore by Diana Saltoon describes her family growing up in Singapore within a Sephardic Jewish Community during pre-war and post-WW2.

Diana depicts the history of an enclave of Sephardic Jews that arrived and settled on the island, calling their community the Mahalla. This memoir revolves around the author’s family, love, relationships, and particularly her sister Meda.  The author brings to light a Singapore that few in today’s world know and the phenomenal harmony that existed between the country’s diverse, multicultural population under the umbrella of colonial rule. She then shows a darker side of Singapore – the Japanese occupation of the island during WW2, and in particular, her family’s internment at Sime Road Camp. But it is her sister Meda who changes their lives and ultimately provides a way for the family’s exodus from the East to the West.  

“…this rich mosaic – combining a historical and cultural portrait with an interesting and curious family saga – is both touching, educational, and entertaining. The way that old Singapore opened its doors to foreigners fleeing persecution is an inspiring story.”  -Ilene Moskowitz, Israel 


Information on Location of the Event & Author:
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Maui 
270 Dairy Road Kahului, HI 96732 / (808) 214-6807
or contact Diana Saltoon-Briggs / (808) 463-5886 /