Dear Hawaii Jewish Community,
Jewish Community Services of Hawaii partnered with The Wellness Institute to invite parents/caregivers for an educational seminar:
Link: Freeing Your Child From Anxiety: A Conversation With Dr. Tamar Chansky
Attend the seminar free of charge AND participate in a live discussion (a few days later) open only to you, our Hawaii community.
First, decide which way you’d like to attend the workshop (both free) with Dr. Chansky:
- Register to see Dr. Tamar Chansky speak live on Sept 15 at 11:30AM Hawaii time (click title above)
- Register for the event (click title above) and get a recording to watch it at your convenience after next Thursday.
Use Promo Code for both: JCSofHawaii (you can also submit questions during registration)
Second, Join JCS psychotherapist Mimi Lind, LCSW, in a private group discussion to:
- ask questions about how to help manage anxiety
- learn evidence-based techniques to help your child cope
- get support around the challenges of parenting
- hear about resources available
- please RSVP to and include your preferences for days/times that work for you Sept. 19 – 25.
We look forward to meeting you!
The JCS Team