Hadassah Art, Sweets & Wine
We can't wait to see you at Hadassah Hawaii's first special event in years. We're coming together to support the Arts and Hadassah Medical Organization's Humanitarian Care and Research.
Serving one million patients a year regardless of religion, race or nationality, Hadassah hospitals earned the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize nomination for building bridges to peace.
You won't want to miss this special night at the spacious Downtown Art Center where Hawai`i Craftsmen's Annual Statewide Exhibition will be on view, with additional amazing artwork available just for us at auction.
Enjoy wine and sweet treats for the New Year.
For more information and to purchase tickets: https://events.hadassah.org/ArtSweetsAndWine
For any questions, contact:
Nikola Kravitt, Event Chair, 949.933.1079
Jackie Mild Lau 808.232.3971 or jmlau585@gmail.com
Margery Ziffrin at mziffrin@yahoo.com
Andrea Snyder at asnyder332@gmail.com
Or email hadassahhawaii@gmail.com