A PHANTOM RABBI & A MARTYRED BISHOP - - ORIGINS OF THE BOOK OF LIFE OR DEATH! Rabbi Moshe Levin critically examines Christian & Jewish sources behind Unetaneh Tokef’s “Who will live …Who Will die,” the High Holy Days’ most well-known prayer. His conclusion is that the author is unknown but certainly unrelated to the story of martyrdom that has been connected to it for over six centuries. In fact, Rabbi Levin demonstrates that the prayer is poetry and it’s purpose is to move people to genuine reevaluation of their lives so the holidays can conclude in celebration as a joyous success!
Co-sponsored by Ner Tamid SF, Am Kolel D.C., Temple Emanuel & Sof Maarav, HI. Livestream, 1-2 pm PST; 4pm EST. 10am HST. Lecture & Discussion. Free. Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84778135929?pwd=aVE4QkkrYndXVXBiVXlFa2syOGxJdz09
Info: admin@nertamidsf.org