Hawaii Hadassah Presents
Marc Chagall
His Art & The Bible’s Influence
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12:00 PM (HST), $20 per person
This is a Zoom event
Proceeds benefit Hadassah
About Marc Chagall
Marc Chagall was profoundly inspired by the Bible throughout his career, producing a broad array of biblical works. His uniquely artistic interpretations were shaped by his time in Russia, Paris’s avant- garde scene, Palestine and the Holocaust. Join us as we explore this remarkable relationship.
About Our Speaker
Jean Bloch Rosensaft is Assistant VP of Communications and Public Affairs at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion and Director of the Dr Bernard Heller Museum at HUC/NY campus.
Couvert: $20
Registration: https://events.hadassah.org/chagallartandbible
Deadline to register: Monday, Feb. 14th. Event link will be sent the day before the event via email.