Reporting During or After an Incident
1. Call 911 and ask to make a report.
2. If it's graffiti it might be a long wait for the police to arrive. If you can’t wait, call a friend who can.
3. Evidence - don’t remove or clean the evidence. Assure that the police take any relevant photos.
- Graffiti - take a photo. Think back to when you last saw the defaced spot without graffiti. Include this in the report. Assure that the police take a photo if you can.
- Verbal assault – try to take a photo/video of the perpetrators if it won’t endanger you. Document or keep in mind descriptive information that identifies the perpetrator - unique scars/tattoos, license plate, ethnicity, color of hair, and any other relevant information/description.
- Physical assault – call 911 and see above
4. Get police officer names to assure report and cleaning was completed.
- Identify with the police if the property is Private, County, State, or Federally owned.
- The property owners are responsible for the cleanup.