Mission and Values

Our Mission is Simple

Jewish Community Services of Hawaii is here to support the Hawaii Jewish community to feel safe, healthy and connected. 

Our Values

JCS of Hawaii is a non-profit organization guided by traditional Jewish values of tikkun olam (to repair the world) and gemilut chasidim (acts of loving-kindness).

Our Funding

JCS of Hawaii is largely funded by generous donations, big and small, from the Hawaii Jewish community. Our largest supporter and partner is the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation who, in 2022, helped us grow our staff and reach. We also have other smaller grants from various foundations and trusts, like the LeVine Endowment, which funds some rental assistance to Jewish low income seniors. 

Our Birth Story

JCS of Hawaii was born in 1998 after the Jewish Federation ended their provision of social services in Hawaii. At that time, Lyn Zukerkorn and Judy Goldman knew that culturally sensitive services were still desperately needed - so they established Jewish Community Services as a private nonprofit. At that point we had a part time social worker, and the Board of Directors did everything else.

Judy Goldman

Lyn Zukerkorn